Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Rat Boys

Last month I got  two new rats named Guss Guss and  Jack Jack. 
Here is Jack Jack we call him Jack for short.
and here is guss.
These are the two cutest animals other than nibblet.
But sometimes they will fight but in the end its all ok.
Even though they get into some mischief we still love them. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The 2nd Pet Expo

Last week I went to the pet expo and I had fun. I got to see a bunch of dogs,and cats but the two most strangest animals i saw was a goat and horse.
and here is the horse.
  the goat will headbutt most dogs so be careful! But doesn't the goat look so cute in his/her outfit.
I was no expecting to see a horse at the pet expo this year.
But this year I got to see Preston from Preston speaks.
Dose he not look amazing in that sweater?
And last but not least the rat rescue team.
almost all the rats we saw where all hairless. And here are some other photos of them.

The End